
What Is Vertebroplasty And How Is It Performed?

5 July 2023

Vertebroplasty is a treatment procedure in which cement is injected into a broken or fractured spinal bone to relieve spinal pain. Some studies have proven that it is more beneficial than conservative treatment methods. This treatment procedure not only relieves pain but also improves physical movement.  It is not suitable for all spinal fractures but is especially used in the treatment of compression fractures. A compression fracture is a type of injury that is caused by osteoporosis. This condition is more prone to affect the elderly. Therefore, vertebroplasty is a treatment procedure that is most commonly performed on the elderly. Vertebroplasty for persistent and severe pain is different from other types of treatment. The difference in this treatment procedure is that cement is injected into the bone.

Why Is Vertebroplasty Performed?

Bones in the human body weaken for many reasons. This condition, especially in women, is caused by menopause, osteoporosis, and old age. These fractures occur easily. For example, simple actions such as sneezing, coughing, rolling over in bed, or lifting an object can cause these fractures. Today, a treatment for weakened bones has also been developed. Vertebroplasty is a treatment that strengthens the bones by injecting cement into the weak bone. This procedure can be applied to the spine and is also used to relieve pain. The reasons for vertebroplasty are, therefore, the following:

  • To alleviate compression fracture-related discomfort,
  • To strengthen spinal bones weakened by osteoporosis,
  • To restore physical mobility.

How To Prepare For It?

Instructions for preparing for vertebroplasty treatment are given by the doctor. However, it may be necessary not to eat or drink before the operation. Since it is a type of surgery, there are restrictions on eating and drinking. However, a small amount of water can be drunk two hours before the operation. Nevertheless, warnings about eating and drinking are made most clearly by the doctor. During this preparation process, the use of some medications is also stopped before surgery. Depending on the general health status of the person, some medications may need to be discontinued while others may need to be reduced. All this important information is provided by the doctor in a detailed, personalized manner.

  • Vertebroplasty Process

As with other surgeries, there are certain processes involved in vertebroplasty. Before, during, and after the procedure are all important. The vertebroplasty processes are given below:

  • Before The Procedure

Before the vertebroplasty procedure, information about the patient’s medical history is obtained, and a physical examination and medical tests are performed. During this process, information about the patient’s medications and supplements is also collected. All this data determines whether the person is suitable for surgery. If the person is suitable for the treatment, detailed information about the procedure is given, and a date is set for the surgery. On the day of surgery, the person is taken to the preoperative area, where the necessary health checks are performed. Then, the person is dressed in a surgical gown and taken to the operating room, where the necessary procedures begin.

  • During The Procedure

The back area to be injected is sterilized before the surgical procedure begins. Local anesthesia is applied to prevent pain in the spine area. Thanks to this anesthesia, the person will stay awake and will not feel any pain or ache. However, anesthesia is determined according to the type of procedure to be performed. Therefore, general anesthesia is used to keep the person asleep during the operation. However, general anesthesia is rarely used for this procedure. Mostly local anesthesia is applied and sedation drugs are given. Thanks to the sedation medication, the patient remains calm throughout the operation.

Before the injection into the vertebra, X-rays are used as a guide into the broken vertebra. For this reason, contrast-enhanced fluoroscopy is used to get a clear view of the area to be injected. Thanks to fluoroscopy, the needle does not damage the spinal cord. The body is protected from radiation during this process. Cement is slowly injected into the vertebra, and this cement hardens in 20 minutes. PMMA, a type of bone cement, stabilizes spinal fractures and fractures. After the mixture has hardened, the hole is closed with a bandage. During this process, the patient is kept under observation for several hours. This is to check for complications from the surgery. The patient may therefore be asked to lie down for a few hours.

After The Procedure

It is possible to be discharged on the same day after the vertebroplasty procedure. However, one of the person’s relatives must take him/her there. Therefore, it is a good idea to inform someone before the surgery to avoid problems. After this surgical procedure, it is inevitable to feel pain in the areas of the spine where the procedure was performed. Pain is therefore a common complication after vertebroplasty. An ice pack can be applied to the back with a cloth. The doctor may prescribe temporary painkillers to relieve the pain. You should also avoid lifting weights for about a month. In a week, the doctor will check up on you and check for complications. Depending on the condition of the spine, a back brace may be worn. The pain is relieved shortly after the procedure.

Vertebroplasty Risks

There are some risk factors associated with vertebroplasty, a procedure that fills and stabilizes broken vertebral bones and makes them stronger. However, these risks are not very serious and are rare. The risks of vertebroplasty are given below:

  • Bleeding
  • Fever
  • Pain
  • Infection
  • Flow of cement out of the bone before hardening
  • Fractures in the spine or nearby areas

In general, these are rare risks of vertebroplasty. There may also be some rare pain during the healing process. However, it is not a serious complication as it will not last long. Some risks may also develop depending on the individual’s specific situation. Information about risk factors is therefore provided by the doctor.

Vertebroplasty Results

According to studies, there is no clear information about the results of vertebroplasty. Some studies suggest that this procedure is not very effective. Other studies show that it reduces the pain caused by compression. Since the results of both studies are different, there is some uncertainty. Nevertheless, vertebroplasty as a treatment for compression bones caused by weakened bones sometimes offers positive results. A 6-week recovery period may be required to return to the physically strenuous weeks. Therefore, after 1 month, the person can do strenuous physical movements again.


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