
What Is Trauma Surgery? Why Is It Performed?

1 August 2023

Trauma surgery is a medical field that undertakes the treatment of serious injuries and damages that occur for many reasons. In particular, physical trauma can occur due to serious reasons such as traffic accidents, sports, stabbing, or falling. As a result of these traumas, people become unable to use their joints and muscles. Bone fractures, damage to some limbs, and muscle injuries require surgical intervention. This is where trauma surgery comes into play. Therefore, surgical intervention is performed in cases of serious damage to one of the most important parts of the body, such as the hands, feet, spine, and legs. With the support of other branches, the orthopedics and traumatology department achieves important results in this surgical intervention. Trauma surgery is therefore necessary to repair traumatized bones, muscles, or joints.

Why Is Trauma Surgery Performed?

Joints, bones, or muscles are the most important parts of the body, and damage to one of them affects the body’s systems. Injuries or fractures may require surgery. Trauma surgery, which requires extensive knowledge, is performed by specialized surgeons. Therefore, trauma surgery is performed for the following reasons:

  • To treat injuries
  • To repair fractures
  • To prevent brain and spinal cord hemorrhages
  • To ensure the integrity of bone limbs
  • To repair damage to the body

Trauma surgery may use different surgical procedures depending on the damage to the patient’s body. Surgery may also not be performed immediately. Depending on the severity of the damage to the patient’s joints, limbs, or bones, surgery may be necessary. This is why it is important to go to the emergency room and have an evaluation.

How To Prepare For Surgery?

There is usually no preparation process for trauma surgery. Because fractures or injuries are body damages that require immediate intervention. Therefore, immediate surgery is inevitable. Furthermore, the surgeon immediately evaluates the patient’s condition and decides which surgery will be performed. After coming to the emergency room, surgery is likely to be performed as a result of certain examinations. However, if the condition of the person arriving at the emergency room does not require immediate surgery, some procedures are applied. These two procedures are resuscitation and stabilization. Trauma surgery is applied in the following conditions:

Burns: Trauma surgery is performed for severe burns. These burns are usually chemical, thermal, inhalation, or frostbite burns.

Blunt trauma: This is damage caused by a violent blow. These types of trauma are usually caused by violent impacts, such as traffic accidents and falls. Blunt trauma is also repaired with trauma surgery procedures.

Penetrating trauma: This trauma usually occurs when the skin is damaged by violent blows. This includes gunshot wounds, stab wounds, and injuries from construction machinery or agricultural equipment.

Trauma Surgery Process

Trauma surgery is a treatment procedure that requires serious and urgent intervention. Therefore, the process will progress very quickly. However, it is important not to skip the processes before, during, or after surgery. The processes of trauma surgery are given below:

  • Before The Surgery

In cases of critical and severe injury or damage, such as a fracture, the patient will go to the emergency room. The doctor will immediately examine and assess the patient’s condition to determine the best course of treatment. Before surgery, the extent and severity of the injury are assessed by radiographic X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs. Bleeding and damage to internal organs are also determined. Before the operation, information is obtained about important issues such as the person’s medical history and age. After this, laboratory tests such as blood tests may be necessary. After all, if the patient is suitable for surgery, he or she will be operated on urgently.

  • During The Surgery

Trauma specialists may use some surgical procedures to repair damage to the patient’s limb or limbs. These include chest wall stabilization, emergency thoracotomies, and exploratory laparotomies. Some equipment may be needed during surgery to monitor the patient’s vital signs. Trauma surgery is applied with different procedures in today’s modern medicine. The surgical procedures applied for trauma surgery are given below:

External fixator fixation: This is a procedure used for multiple comminuted fractures. Thanks to this technique, fracture healing biologically takes place.

Plate screw fixation: It is a surgical procedure that has been used since the past. Implants made of metals compatible with the body are used to repair fractures in the region. Implants in this procedure, which are suitable for many fractures, are now made of stainless steel and titanium. Thus, it supports the treatment of fractures for a long time.

Closed intramedullary nailing technique: This procedure for long bone fractures is performed with implants placed into the bone through small incisions. It is one of the trauma surgery procedures to repair fractures of the upper arm, lower leg, and hip. This closed intramedullary nailing technique also shortens the healing time.

Arthroscopic surgery: This procedure is a smaller operation than the others. Arthroscopic surgery is performed without opening the joint. Therefore, it is a closed surgery. This procedure is used for some intra-articular fractures and reduces complications after surgery. In addition to reducing the risk of joint stiffness, it also shortens the recovery time.

Prosthetic surgery: This trauma surgery is usually a procedure for the elderly. It is performed with joint prostheses for irreparable shoulder and hip fractures. After this surgical procedure, the patient can move the next day.

  • After The Surgery

After trauma surgery, there is a recovery period. This process depends on the type of injury sustained, the site, the patient’s age, and the general health of the patient. Simple fractures heal in at least 6 weeks, while compound fractures heal in 8 months. During the healing process, the patient should go to regular doctor visits, pay attention to their diet, and avoid bad habits such as smoking and drinking. Moreover, regular physical exercises should be done to shorten the healing time.

Risks Of Trauma Surgery

Major trauma can be very serious and life-threatening. Although modern medicine offers a better chance of survival, some risks are also possible. In particular, without immediate intervention, the patient may suffer internal organ damage, loss of function, or amputation. In addition to all these, the risks of trauma surgery should also be mentioned. These risks include sepsis, organ failure, infection, or thromboembolic events. Fortunately, thanks to technological and medical advances in recent years, the risks of trauma surgery can be minimized.

Results Of Trauma Surgery

Trauma surgery has many important outcomes. Thanks to advanced medicine, this surgical procedure is a safe and successful treatment. The recovery process generally depends on the surgical procedure performed and the person’s state of health. As a surgical procedure that repairs and restores the function of muscles, bones, and joints, trauma surgery is applied to many traumas. Since it is usually performed as an emergency treatment, it should be performed by orthopedic and traumatology surgeon specialists. As a result, trauma surgery is an effective treatment for many fractures.


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