
What Is Spine Surgery And What Procedures Does It Perform?

31 August 2023

Spine surgery is a medical branch that performs surgical treatment procedures for spinal diseases. Spine and spinal cord diseases are disorders that can be seen in every person and occur due to various reasons. The spine is one of the important structures that form the skeleton of the body. It carries most of the body mass and extends between the head and the spine. Discs are one of the most important parts of this structure. The spine, which starts to lose or lose its structural and functional properties for many reasons, causes different health problems. Surgical procedures are performed for most spinal diseases. Surgery is inevitable in cases where conservative treatment methods do not respond or in cases of severe spinal damage. These operations fall within the field of spine surgery. Spine surgery deals with lumbar hernias, herniated cervical discs, lumbar spinal stenosis, spondylolisthesis, and spinal cord injury.

Lumbar Hernia

Lumbar hernia is one the degenerative diseases that occur without trauma, cell damage, or tumors. Spine surgery, which performs many surgical procedures for spinal diseases, also applies some methods for herniated discs. Microdiscectomy is one of the surgical procedures for herniated discs. The microdiscectomy procedure aims to repair the herniated disc that presses on the nerve root. This procedure reduces pain and other symptoms caused by pressure on the nerve. Microdiscectomy, which is widely used in lumbar hernia, is applied with certain methods.

How Is Microdiscectomy Performed?

Microdiscectomy is a surgical procedure performed under general anesthesia and the patient is kept asleep throughout the operation. This surgery is performed with a minimally invasive method. With the help of special retractors, the muscle tissue is removed and the bone is accessed with a scope. The herniated disc area pressing on the nerve root is cleaned and removed. Since special imaging methods and microsurgical instruments are used during the operation, the risk of nerve damage is minimized.

  • Risks and Results of Microdiscectomy

As with other surgical procedures, microdiscectomy, which takes about 1-2 hours, has some risks. Bleeding, infection, fluid leakage from the nerve membrane, inflammation, and nerve damage are among the main risks of microdiscectomy. As a procedure of spine surgery, microdiscectomy has a high success rate. In fact, according to the data, 84 percent of people who have undergone this surgery have achieved a success rate of 84 percent. This shows that microdiscectomy is a safe and successful procedure. After this surgery, people have a spinal structure that is pain-free and functions better.

Cervical Herniated Disc

A cervical herniated disc is a condition caused by damage to the disc structure in the spine, such as trauma, strain, and immobility. In some cases, this condition can be prevented with conservative treatment methods, but sometimes it cannot be prevented. It may even progress further, making the daily life of the person more difficult. In this case, surgical treatment is expected to be more effective. The surgical procedure for cervical hernia is an anterior cervical discectomy. This surgery, which is performed with modern medical technology, is performed by removing the disk pressing on the nerve. Anterior cervical discectomy has its specific methods.

  • How Is Endoscopic Anterior Cervical Discectomy?

Anterior cervical discectomy is performed from the front or back of the neck through a 6-7 mm skin incision. With the help of an endoscope, the disc tissue pressing on the nerve is removed. It is a safe procedure as it is performed without causing any damage to healthy tissues. This surgical procedure is also used for spinal tumors and fractures.

  • Risks and Results of Anterior Cervical Discectomy

Anterior cervical discectomy has fewer risks than traditional surgical procedures. This is because an endoscope, one of the technological medical instruments, is used and damage to the nerve is prevented during the surgical process. However, this surgery also has risks. The risks depend on which side of the neck the surgery is performed. Anterior cervical discectomy, one of the recently developed techniques in the medical field, is safe. Since it is less risky and easier than traditional surgical techniques, it is possible to get successful results. Thanks to this surgery, the patient’s daily life becomes more comfortable and healthy.

Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

Lumbar stenosis, which occurs as we age, involves the wear and tear of the spine and spinal cord. As these structures wear out, the spinal cord and nerve canals narrow. In addition, the spinal discs begin to dry out and flatten. This results in pressure on the spinal canal and nerves. Symptoms such as severe neck pain, numbness in the hands, arms, and legs, back pain, leg pain, and weakness occur. In the presence of advanced stenosis, surgery is recommended. The commonly used surgical procedure for lumbar stenosis is laminectomy. However, laminotomy and foraminotomy are also performed.

How Is Laminectomy Performed?

The process of removing the lamina from the affected vertebra is called a laminectomy. This procedure, also called decompression surgery, relieves pressure on the nerves. An incision is made in the back to access the area affected by spinal stenosis. The lamina, the back part of the spine that covers the spinal canal, is removed. If the spine is slipped or curved, spinal fusion may also be required to stabilize it.

  • Risks and Results of Laminectomy

Laminectomy for lumbar spinal stenosis is a successful surgical intervention. However, there are some risks and complications. These risks consist of infection, bleeding, blood clots, and nerve injury These risks are controlled with special surgical devices used during surgery. Laminectomy is a surgical procedure used when medication and physical therapy have failed. Successful results are possible with this procedure, which reduces the symptoms of lumbar stenosis.


Spondylolisthesis, also called slipped back, is a condition that occurs as a result of some fractures. When this condition is advanced, it can cause serious problems. Spondylolisthesis can also occur as a result of wear and tear in the spine and surrounding connective tissues. Low back pain and tightness in the lumbar muscles are prominent symptoms of this condition. If there is spinal cord compression and a severe case of spondylolisthesis, surgical intervention is necessary. There are two different surgical procedures for spondylolisthesis. Spinal fusion and the microsurgical technique are the surgical methods used for this operation.

  • How Is Spondylolisthesis Surgery Performed?

The microsurgical technique used for spondylolisthesis surgery is performed through a small incision. This surgery, which repairs the fractured spine area, is very important. The goal of the surgery is to remove the pressure on the nerves and stabilize the spinal bones so that they align and fuse in a balanced manner. Spinal fusion is therefore an important part of this surgery. First, the pressure on the nerves is removed with microsurgical techniques, and then fixation systems such as screws and plates are used to stabilize the spinal bones.

  • Risks and Results of Spondylolisthesis Surgery

Spondylolisthesis surgery has some risks, just like any other surgery. These risks include bleeding, infection, spinal cord or nerve injury, loosening or breaking of the screws, and the formation of blood clots. However, since it is performed with modern medical procedures, these risks are minimized. Since it is an operation performed through a small incision, it provides rapid recovery. Accordingly, the risk of bleeding and infection is very low. After the surgery, the patient does not experience the symptoms of spondylolisthesis again when the patient is fully recovered. Therefore, spondylolisthesis surgery is very successful. Thanks to this surgery, the quality of daily life increases with a healthier spine structure.

Spinal Cord Injury

A fracture or slippage of the spinal bones can cause serious problems. Spinal cord injury occurs when discs rupture and muscles and connective tissues are damaged. This could potentially result in complete or partial immobility. If it is a very serious case of spinal trauma, surgical intervention is required. These surgical procedures include decompression and stabilization. These two procedures have different functions and have major effects.

How Is Spine Cord Injury Surgery Performed?

In spinal trauma surgery, decompression and stabilization procedures for fractures and contusions are performed differently. In the decompression procedure, ligaments, discs, and some tissues that press on the nerve are removed to remove nerve damage. Thus, the pressure on the nerve is reduced. If there is a fracture in the spine, this is corrected with a stabilization procedure. This is usually done using rods and screws. Both procedures are performed under general anesthesia. Stabilization is a surgical approach that preserves movement.

  • Risks and Results of Spine Cord Injury Surgery

Paralysis and nerve injury are among the serious risks of spinal cord injury surgery. There are also risks of infection, bleeding, lack of oxygen to the lungs, and nerve and spinal cord injury. However, these risks are minimized and controlled thanks to advanced medical technological devices. These procedures are highly successful and produce safe results. In this way, serious damage to the spine, such as fractures and contusions, can be repaired, preventing partial or complete paralysis.


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