
What Is High Blood Pressure?

31 August 2023

One of the most common chronic conditions worldwide is called high blood pressure. This condition, also known as hypertension, is caused by the violent force exerted on the walls of the arteries by the blood that is carried from the heart to the body. Blood pressure is a condition that varies from person to person. It is also divided into two. The blood pressure value measured when the heart beats are called systolic, while the blood pressure value measured when the heart relaxes is called diastolic. Blood pressure is always high when the heart is pumping too much blood and the arteries are narrow. High blood pressure is diagnosed when an adult has a diastolic blood pressure of 90 mmHg and a systolic blood pressure of more than 140 90 mmHg. Hypertension is important to control because it causes major chronic conditions.

Causes f High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure, which usually occurs in adults, has no specific cause. This condition, which develops gradually over time, is called primary and secondary hypertension. However, although there is no clear cause, there are some risk factors that cause hypertension. Since it is a condition that develops with advancing age, these risk factors should be given more attention. In the primary type of hypertension, plaque formation in the arteries, called atherosclerosis, can cause the formation of this condition. This condition can also occur due to genetic and environmental causes. Risk factors for high blood pressure also include the following:

  • High salt consumption
  • Genetic factors
  • Excessive alcohol and smoking
  • Stress
  • Pregnancy
  • Kidney diseases (kidney tumors, narrowing of the renal vessels)
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Diabetes
  • High intracranial pressure
  • Sedentary life
  • Advanced age

Symptoms of High Blood Pressure

Since high blood pressure is a slowly progressive condition, in some cases it progresses without symptoms. However, when blood pressure levels are as high as 180/110 mmHg, some symptoms appear. If the hypertension is too high, the symptoms are as follows:

  • Headache
  • Chest pain
  • Nosebleeds
  • Shortness of breath
  • Visual impairment
  • Dizziness
  • Flushing
  • Weakness and fatigue

These are often among the symptoms of high blood pressure. In addition, these symptoms of hypertension can be life-threatening. Therefore, it is urgent to go to a health institution. After the blood pressure values are measured by the specialized health team, the necessary interventions are made.

Complications of High Blood Pressure

Excessive pressure on the walls of blood vessels caused by high blood pressure can lead to complications. In particular, blood vessels and organs can be affected. The damage increases with elevated blood pressure.  One of the complications caused by high blood pressure is atherosclerosis. However, hypertension can also cause left ventricular hypertrophy because the heart has to pump too much blood and exert too much effort. Heart failure can occur if the heart is unable to pump enough blood.

Narrowed or blocked arteries due to hypertension can cause dementia by restricting blood flow to the brain. Diabetes can also cause cerebral hemorrhage, stroke, kidney failure, visual impairment, and blockages in the arteries of the neck and legs. In particular, serious life-threatening health problems such as brain hemorrhage and stroke are often caused by hypertension. If left untreated, hypertension is therefore likely to lead to cardiovascular and brain diseases.

Prevent High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure, which causes cardiovascular and brain diseases, can be prevented with some lifestyle changes. A healthy lifestyle can therefore prevent this chronic condition from occurring. The following lifestyle changes are recommended to prevent high blood pressure:

  • Eating A Healthy Diet

A healthy diet is very important to avoid high blood pressure and its complications. For this, fresh and seasonal fruits and vegetables should be consumed. In particular, foods that are low in salt should be consumed. By consuming foods high in fiber and protein, blood pressure is maintained at a normal level.

  • Keeping A Healthy Weight

Keeping a healthy weight is important for high blood pressure, as it is always important. High blood pressure can also occur due to obesity and excessive weight. Therefore, care should be taken to eat healthy vegetables and fruits. In addition, the risk of high blood pressure can be reduced by exercising regularly.

  • Smoking And Alcohol Should Be Stopped

Smoking and drinking alcohol should be avoided to reduce high blood pressure. In addition, these bad habits can cause cardiovascular diseases that can occur due to hypertension. Therefore, smoking and alcohol should be strictly avoided.

  • Stress Management

Excessive stress can lead to hypertension. Managing stress and relaxing mentally can prevent high blood pressure. This can be done by exercising when stressed or doing things that relax the mind, such as meditation.

  • Physical Mobility

Another risk factor for developing hypertension is leading a sedentary lifestyle. Regular exercise can therefore help prevent this condition by lowering blood pressure. In particular, adults are recommended to walk and do physical exercise for several hours a day.

  • Regular And Adequate Sleep

Adequate and regular sleep is important for general health, but it is also important for heart and blood vessel health. If a person’s sleep is irregular and inadequate, hypertension can occur. To prevent this, sleep should be regular and adequate. If there is a very disturbed sleep pattern, support can be sought from a specialist doctor.

The blood pressure value is very important for body health. Especially when it has high values, it brings along some problems that endanger the life of the person. As a consequence of this, it is essential to monitor one’s blood pressure consistently. From the age of 18, blood pressure should be measured and checked once or twice a year. In addition, if symptoms of high blood pressure are observed, a specialist doctor should be consulted. Additionally, risk factors need to be considered. If high blood pressure occurs at regular intervals, treatment is applied by the doctor for its control. Medication is usually used for high blood pressure. Since it is a chronic condition, it cannot be expected to be completely cured. However, it can be prevented, and its symptoms can be reduced, with certain life habits.


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