
What Is Exactly Broken Leg?

19 July 2023

A fracture or crack in the leg bones is called a broken leg. These fractures, which occur as a result of minor or major trauma, cause damage to the body. Therefore, it is observed in mild or severe cases. A broken leg, which occurs for many reasons, is a problem that people of almost all ages are exposed to. Therefore, treatment methods may vary according to the conditions causing the broken leg and the severity of the fracture. Since the leg bones are located in the upper and lower leg regions, the damaged area is also important. Orthopedic and Traumatology specialists should diagnose and treat these fractures, which involve the orthopedic field. 

What Causes A Broken Leg?

A broken leg is a serious condition that can occur for many reasons. The leg bone, which generally has a solid structure, can break when it is traumatized. In particular, falling from a high place, falling while walking on slippery ground, traffic accidents, or work accidents can cause leg fractures. Sports can also cause leg fractures in some cases. Especially in long-distance running, stress fractures occur as a result of the pressure applied to the leg. Accidents in sports that require excessive movements, such as running, soccer, basketball, and similar sports, can cause leg fractures. In addition, if the bones are weakened, the leg bone becomes easily fracturable. 

Moreover, physical violence can also cause leg fractures. Leg fractures are not only caused by physical conditions. Some diseases can also have a major impact. Bone cysts, tumors, cancer, osteoporosis, and diabetes can all contribute to leg fractures at some point. Therefore, leg fractures are not due to only one cause but can occur for many reasons. The only thing that can eliminate or help alleviate this condition, which negatively affects a person’s daily life, is treatment. If a person who has received physical trauma has become unable to use his/her leg, he/she should apply. At the same time, if some symptoms are observed in the leg due to the effect of some diseases, Orthopedics and Traumatology specialists should be consulted.

Types Of Broken Leg

There are different types of a broken legs. These types are classified according to the cause of the fracture and diagnosed by an Orthopedics and Traumatology specialist. Broken legs are classified as follows:

  • Open fracture
  • Closed fracture
  • Greenstick fracture
  • Complete fracture
  • Incomplete fracture
  • Greenstick fracture

These types affect the fractured status of the leg. Therefore, it also determines the treatment the patient will receive. In addition, types of broken legs also affect the patient’s physical condition. In short, these types of the broken leg are determined by the Orthopedics and Traumatology Specialist and the treatment method is applied accordingly.

Symptoms Of Broken Leg

Symptoms of a broken leg appear immediately, especially after physical trauma. In particular, pain, swelling, and loss of functionality of the leg are among the prominent symptoms. In some cases, these symptoms may not be fully understood because they are mild. At this point, the diagnosis of the Orthopedics and Traumatology specialist is important. Among the most common symptoms in leg fracture cases are the following:

  • Bruising and impact marks on the leg
  • Inability to walk
  • Swelling in the leg bone
  • Severe pain
  • Change in leg posture (bending or rotation)
  • Short leg appearance

In general, these are the most common symptoms of leg fractures. In this process, the patient is exposed to pain and inability to walk. This condition, which puts the physical health of the person at risk and reduces the quality of daily life, should not be neglected. Therefore, if the patient has been exposed to physical trauma or has some chronic diseases and these symptoms are observed, you should consult a doctor.

Treatment Of Broken Leg

In cases of leg fractures, the doctor will examine and diagnose the fracture before starting treatment. The diagnosis of this kind of fracture requires the use of X-rays. The specialist also checks the bone condition by examining the leg area. However, if stress fractures are suspected, they are diagnosed with some special methods. Therefore, diagnostic methods are carried out by considering the cause of the fracture, the type of fracture, and symptoms before starting leg fracture treatment. If a leg fracture is diagnosed as a result of the methods in question, the specialist doctor starts the treatment process.

The first aim of the specialist’s treatment for a broken bone is to align the bones and fuse them. However, this goal may vary depending on the type of fracture. Especially in cases of displaced fractures, the plaster method is used. In some cases, implants, plates, and rods need to be surgically applied to the leg bone. These cases are generally known as femur fractures, multiple fractures, bruised fractures, and fractures caused by damage to the ligaments around the bone. Since these fractures severely damage the leg bone, no treatment method other than surgery can be applied.

Therefore, depending on the condition of the broken bone, the specialist will determine and apply a treatment method. The specialist may also recommend some pain relievers to reduce the pain during the treatment process. Crutches or a cane may also be used, as there will be difficulty moving during this process. After the treatment is over, the patient will probably need physical therapy. This therapy, which helps the leg muscles to work better, is a treatment method that helps the leg to heal completely. Therefore, if recommended by the doctor, you should also go to therapy. To summarize, the following are the treatment methods for broken legs

In cases of broken legs, there are some factors that the patient should pay attention to. The factors in concern are presented in the following:

  • Sudden movements should be avoided, and rest should be taken throughout the treatment process.
  • Foods containing calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin E can be consumed.
  • Be very careful while walking, and get support from someone close if necessary.
  • Bad habits should be avoided.
  • The doctor’s supervision should be regular, and recommendations and warnings should be followed completely.

If these are taken into consideration, the patient can get a positive result from the treatment process. If they are not taken into consideration, the treatment process will be prolonged and may cause some unavoidable problems. These factors should be taken into consideration in cases of broken legs that negatively affect a person’s life. In addition to these, the Orthopedics and Traumatology Specialist will give different warnings and recommendations to the patient with a leg fracture. Thus, the leg bone will heal and the person will gradually return to his or her old life.


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