
What Is Exactly A Herniated Disk?

10 August 2023

Bursitis is the inflammation of fluid-filled sacs called bursae on various joints or bones of the body. This condition, which occurs when the bursae become inflamed, causes pain in different joints or bones of the body. These bursitis conditions, which are often seen in the shoulder, elbow, or hip areas, can also be seen in the heel, ankle, or big toe. This disease, which affects the physical movements of the person with its symptoms, can be prevented with the treatment methods determined by the doctor. Although it is a condition that can resolve itself in a matter of weeks, it can recur and worsen in some cases. In this case, the doctor usually resorts to medication or surgical treatment.

Symptoms Of Bursitis

When the bursae on the joints and bones become inflamed, some symptoms appear. These symptoms differ depending on the severity of the disease. The  most common bursitis symptoms are:

  • Pain in parts of the body when moving
  • Pain or swelling over the joint or bone affected by bursitis
  • Fever as a result of infection
  • Redness and warmth over the bone or joint with bursitis

Bursitis symptoms are observed in different parts of the body. Therefore, it is not possible to observe these symptoms in a single area. However, these symptoms are commonly observed in the shoulder, hip, or elbow areas. Bursitis in different parts of the body is also called by different names. Bursitis  in the knee is called prepatellar  and makes it difficult to bend the knee. Bursitis  in the elbow is called olecranon bursitis  and makes elbow movements difficult. Bursitis  in the shoulder is called subacromial bursitis  and causes pain. Bursitis  in the hip region, iliopsoas bursitis, and trochanteric bursitis  make walking difficult. If you experience one or more of these symptoms regularly, it is important to see a doctor.

Causes Of Bursitis

Repetitive and forceful movements cause bursitis. Trauma, inflammatory arthritis, and acute or chronic infection are also causes of this condition. There are also different causes of bursitis. Rare causes include advanced age, blood, and kidney diseases, or antibiotic medication. Common  causes of bursitis  include the following:

  • Constantly leaning toward the ground
  • Always being required to work behind a desk
  • Not warming up before sports
  • Performing strenuous movements
  • Leaning on the elbows for a long time

In general, bursitis occurs due to these reasons. Some occupational groups are also among the risk groups. People with occupations that involve physically demanding and repetitive movements may develop bursitis. These occupational groups include painting, carpet laying and washing, and gardening. A further contributor to increased danger is being overweight. Since it is not a completely  preventable disease,  as long as a person receives treatment, they can alleviate their symptoms.

Treatment For Bursitis

As in other diseases,  bursitis treatment  is applied according to the severity of the disease and the area it affects. Before this treatment, bursitis is diagnosed by physical examination and medical history evaluation. If these methods are not sufficient, ultrasound or MRI can also be used. Blood tests can also be performed to determine the cause of bursitis. If a bursitis is diagnosed after these important diagnostic methods are applied, the treatment process begins.

Bursitis is a condition that can be easily treated in a short time when diagnosed early. However, if the inflammation progresses further, drug treatment is applied under the supervision of a doctor. Treatment methods for bursitis are listed below:

Rest and medication: Since it is a self-healing condition, rest is initially recommended as a treatment. During the rest period, painkillers can be taken and ice implementation can be made. By protecting against trauma and sudden movements, it is possible to observe improvement within a few weeks thanks to this treatment. These treatments are conservative methods. Therefore, if rest and pain medication does not give a positive response, one of the other treatment methods is applied by the doctor.

Ice implementation: One of the treatment methods recommended for an early diagnosis of bursitis is to apply ice. This method, which relieves pain and swelling, is recommended twice a day.

Injections: Injections are used to relieve pain and inflammation in the shoulder or hip. This fast-acting method is generally the preferred treatment method.

Orthopedic supports: An  auxiliary treatment for bursitis  is orthopedic support. A cane or some other devices are applied to the areas affected by this condition. Thus, the symptoms are alleviated, and the discomfort is expected to disappear.

Surgery: If the inflamed bursa in the joint or bone is severe, it cannot be cured with the above treatment methods. For this reason, surgery is used to completely drain the inflamed bursa. With this rare treatment method,  the inflamed bursa in the bone or joint  is removed through incisions of a few centimeters. Bursitis surgery is an effective treatment method and provides complete elimination of the disease. Complications may include pain and swelling. Physical therapy, ice implementation, or painkillers are recommended to relieve these complications.

Physical therapy: This is another  effective treatment for bursitisPhysical exercises that relieve pain are given by a physiotherapist. It strengthens the muscles and mobilizes the joints and is especially recommended after surgery. 

All these treatment methods are applied according to the severity of bursitis and the region. In this effective treatment process, there are some factors that the person should pay attention to. The factors that the person  should pay attention to for bursitis  are as follows:

  • The bone or joint area where pain or swelling is seen should not be used too much.
  • During the treatment process, plenty of rest and sudden or excessive movement should be avoided.
  • Ice implementation can be made to reduce swelling.
  • In the lying position, a pillow can be placed between the legs to avoid putting pressure on the joint.
  • Moist heat implementation can be applied to the area affected by bursitis.

In conclusion, bursitis is an inflammatory joint or bone condition that occurs in different parts of the body. This condition, which can occur for many reasons, is symptomatic. Therefore, there are symptoms such as pain or swelling. It is a condition that, when detected early, can resolve spontaneously with non-surgical treatments or even rest. However, in advanced cases, surgical treatments can be applied for complete recovery. In general, it is possible to get positive results from the treatments applied as long as the doctor’s recommendations and cautions are followed. While recovery is possible within a few weeks when non-surgical treatments are applied, the recovery process takes several months when surgical treatments are applied. Therefore, this disease, which  does not pose a risk to life,  is cured with the implementation of certain treatment methods. Thus, after full recovery, the person can return to their active life. 


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