
What Is A Broken Arm? How Is The Treatment?

20 July 2023

A broken arm  is a condition that occurs when the radius, ulna, and one of the bones are broken. The main cause of broken arms, which occurs due to many reasons, is exposure to trauma. As with other fractures, a broken arm is a fracture that should be treated as soon as possible. Since it affects the physical condition of the person extremely badly, it restricts his/her life. Therefore, if a person is exposed to trauma and some symptoms are observed, a doctor should be consulted. The treatment process varies according to the type and level of the fracture.

Broken Arm Types

As with other fractures, broken arms are also divided into different types. The type of arm fracture is important because it determines the method of treatment. The fractures in question affect the condition of the arm. These fractures, which occur as a result of the trauma the person is exposed to, are classified as follows:

  • Open fracture
  • Closed fracture
  • Buckle fracture
  • Displaced fracture
  • Greenstick fracture
  • Comminuted fracture

Causes Of Broken Arm

The causes of a broken arm,  which is usually caused by trauma, are the result of a blow. Conditions such as the same load and the same contraction are also factors that cause this condition to occur. In particular, falling from a height, having a traffic accident, falling while walking on a slippery floorand being exposed to physical violence and sports injuries cause arm fractures. In addition, osteoporosis, which is common in the elderly, is also among the causes of broken arms. These causes create fracture types such as open fracture, fixed fracture, comminuted fracture, and bone end deterioration. These fracture types are determined by noting the impact the person received and how it was broken. These determine the treatment to be applied by the Orthopedic specialist.

Symptoms Of Broken Arm

After a broken arm occurs, some symptoms begin to appear in the person. Since it restricts the person’s life and causes discomfort, you should see a doctor.  The most common symptoms of a broken arm  are as follows:

  • The sound heard after the arm is broken
  • Severe pain in the arm area
  • A marked swelling in the arm area
  • Inability to move the arm
  • Bruising in the arm area
  • Stiffness in the arm
  • Arm deformity

These are usually among the symptoms of an arm fracture. Since these symptoms reduce the person’s quality of life and damage the arm area, you should see a doctor. The doctor will make a diagnosis after listening to the patient’s complaints and the causes of the fracture. After the diagnosis, an appropriate treatment method will be decided, and the treatment process will be started.

Treatment For Broken Arm

Treatment for a broken arm  is a process that should start after the doctor’s diagnosis. After performing a physical examination, the doctor will order X-rays and apply a treatment according to the results. This treatment also depends on the level of the fracture, the cause, the person’s age, whether they have a chronic disease or not, and which arm they use. The treatment methods for broken arms that take these criteria into account are as follows:

For simple fractures, splints or casts are usually used as treatment. The cast or splint positions the bones and allows them to fuse. If the patient adapts to this treatment without moving during the union process, it heals in a short time. This treatment method is applied 5-6 days after consulting a doctor as a result of a fracture. Because the swelling in the arm is expected to go down. A splint or plaster treatment typically lasts 3-6 months.

If the fractures are displaced,  surgery may be necessary.  This treatment involves the doctor placing the fractures in place. Internal fixation and external fixation are used to place the bones. The broken bones are placed with the assistance of a doctor using metal rods and pins. Surgery is rarely used for broken arms and is performed under general anesthesia.

One of the other auxiliary treatment methods is  medication.  Since there will be severe pain in the arm area, the doctor will recommend appropriate painkillers. If the pain is very severe, he or she may also recommend narcotic medication. At the same time, if the arm fracture is an open fracture, antibiotic drugs will be used to prevent infection. This will shorten the healing process without infecting the bone.

After the treatment process,  rehabilitation  begins. This method of therapy promotes movement of the arm. It is important to receive rehabilitation treatment after the cast or sling is removed. This will restore muscle strength and joint movement, as well as old arm strength. Rehabilitation exercises are individually recommended by the orthopedist. This is the general treatment process for an arm fracture. There are also some factors that the patient should pay attention to during the treatment process. The following are the things the patient should pay attention to in this regard: 

  • The patient should not move his/her arm until the  fusion process  is over. Therefore, he/she should avoid pushing, shoving, or carrying loads.
  • The patient should pay attention to his/her diet during the healing process of his/her arm. Foods high in protein and calcium, in particular, should be consumed.
  • The patient should stay away from bad habits such as smoking and alcohol during this process. Thus, the repair in the body takes place in a better way.
  • In the treatment of a broken arm,  the doctor’s recommendations and warnings  must be followed.

These are the elements that should be considered during this treatment process. In addition, the doctor will also give information, suggestions, and warnings on this subject. With all these suggestions and warnings, the patient’s  treatment process will be completed in  a normal amount of time. If the warnings and recommendations are not followed, the treatment process will be prolonged, and some surgical interventions may be required. In addition, during the treatment process,  the doctor’s control  should be maintained for the specified periods. Therefore, the treatment of a broken arm is a sensitive process like other fractures and requires attention. 


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