
What Are Parkinson-like Diseases?

21 August 2023

Parkinson-like diseases are defined as movement disorders. Disorders that occur with involuntary or slow movements are called movement disorders. Although there is no specific treatment for Parkinson’s disease, there is an effective drug treatment. Parkinson’s disease can be treated with carbidopa and levodopa (Sinemet) drug combinations. Parkinson’s-like diseases should also be known at this point. Parkinson’s-like diseases include essential tremors and other types of tremors, Huntington’s disease, restless leg syndrome, and Wilson’s disease. Since these diseases are defined as movement disorders, they have a serious neurological dimension.

Essential Tremor And Other Types Of Tremors

Essential tremors and other types of tremors, which are among the Parkinson-like diseases, can also be called tremors disease. This is a neurological disease characterized by tremors in the hands, legs, hips, and voice. It is known that essential tremors are most common over the age of 60. Some symptoms are seen in this disorder that affect the movements of the person. Tremors occur while eating, writing, and performing similar daily activities. Tremors in the legs, head tremors, and voice tremors are among the common symptoms of this disease.

Essential tremor is known to be more common than Parkinson’s disease. Physiological tremors, Parkinson’s tremors, Serabellar tremors, and orthostatic tremors are some other types of tremors. After the doctor obtains the medical history of the person and information about hereditary diseases in the family, the necessary test methods are applied. After the diagnostic methods are performed, the diagnosis is made according to the results of the findings examined.

Treatment methods for essential tremors and other types of tremors usually include medication. However, surgery can also be performed for these movement disorders. Today, one of the modern medical treatment methods is brain stimulation therapy. It is a surgical operation in which electrodes, i.e. brain pacemakers, are implanted into the deep structures of the brain.

Huntington’s Disease

Huntington’s disease is a genetic brain disease. Although this disease is rare, it is transmitted from mothers or fathers to their children. The damaged HD gene is the main cause of this disease, which usually occurs in the 30s and 40s. Therefore, this disease with a damaged HD gene is also passed on to the child. This rare disease occurs in many parts of the brain that affects memory. The damaged gene inherited from the family starts to show itself with some symptoms. Symptoms of Huntington’s disease include

  • Involuntary movements
  • Rotation
  • Bending

The symptoms of Huntington’s disease appear in the hands, face, legs, and trunk. These symptoms make daily activities difficult and cause many limitations. Walking, eating, and talking becomes difficult, and the person becomes unable to carry out daily activities. The most important factor in diagnosing Huntington’s disease, which has three different stages, is whether the person has a family history of the condition. If it is not known whether there is a family history of the disease, the doctor will perform some tests. Tests are performed to measure the person’s muscle strength, reflexes, speech, and memory skills. Because it is a hereditary disease, DNA tests, blood tests, and imaging tests such as MRI and computerized tomography are carried out. If signs of the disease are detected, treatment is initiated. Although no treatment method can completely cure this disease, there are methods to alleviate the symptoms. Physical therapy, medication (antidepressants), and psychological support are among the most important treatment methods. Since there are speech difficulties, support from a speech therapist is also needed. Treatment methods that facilitate daily life and reduce the symptoms of the disease are applied.

Restless Leg Syndrome

Restless leg syndrome, a neurological disorder, is a common condition today. Restless leg syndrome is characterized by movement disorders, especially in the legs and feet during rest. The cause of this disorder, which occurs in all ages and genders, is not known exactly. Therefore, it occurs idiopathically. It is possible to count several factors as the cause. Among the causes of restless leg syndrome are genetic predispositions, neuropathy, excessive alcohol use, dopamine imbalance, and pregnancy. Restless leg syndrome, which is similar to Parkinson’s, manifests some symptoms. Among the most noticeable symptoms of this condition are constant pain and restlessness in the legs, a constant desire to move the leg, and severe pain and restlessness in the legs at night.

Restless legs syndrome is also easily diagnosed. For this, the doctor will ask about the person’s family and medical history. Diagnostic methods include physical and neurological examinations, electrophysiological tests, and blood tests. The goal of treatment for restless leg syndrome is to improve the underlying factor that is causing the condition. For example, if it is caused by iron deficiency or anemia, these should be treated first. Treatment methods for this condition include exercise, medication, and hot and cold compresses. However, there are some things that people with restless leg syndrome should pay attention to. Eating a healthy diet, exercising, and quitting smoking is extremely important.

Wilson’s Disease

Wilson’s disease is hereditary, but it is rare. It occurs as a result of copper accumulation in some organs, especially the liver, and brain. This disease occurs in people of all ages, especially between the ages of 5 and 35. Wilson’s disease, which occurs as a result of the inability to remove copper from the body, is very serious. Although it is a risky disease, it can be treated with early diagnosis. Mutations in the ATP7B gene are among the main causes of this disease. As with other elements, too much copper in the body is toxic.

Wilson’s disease has many symptoms. These symptoms differ depending on the organ affected. Liver-related symptoms include loss of appetite, vomiting, muscle cramps, feeling tired, jaundice, and nausea.  Neurological symptoms include migraines, depression, abnormal gait, memory problems, and gait disturbances. Symptoms of Wilson’s disease also include low blood pressure, kidney stones, and menstrual irregularities. The diagnosis of this initially difficult disease is measured with some tests.

Medication is used to treat it. The aim is to reduce the level of copper in the body. Therefore, medicines can be used to remove copper from the body during this treatment process. For people with liver failure, liver transplantation is also offered as a treatment method. Wilson’s disease has many symptoms. These symptoms differ according to the organ affected. Liver-related symptoms include loss of appetite, vomiting, muscle cramps, feeling tired, jaundice, and nausea.  Neurological symptoms include migraines, depression, abnormal gait, memory problems, and gait disturbances. Symptoms of Wilson’s disease also include low blood pressure, kidney stones, and menstrual irregularities. The diagnosis of this initially difficult disease is measured with some tests. Medication is used to treat it. The aim is to reduce the level of copper in the body. Therefore, medicines can be used to remove copper from the body during this treatment process. Liver transplantation is also offered as a treatment for people with liver failure.


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