
What are Hair Transplantation and Treatment Methods in Turkey?

5 July 2023

Are you tired of feeling self-conscious about your hair loss? Have you tried every product and treatment available without success? Look no further than hair transplant in Turkey! With state-of-the-art technology and experienced professionals, Turkey has become a top destination for those seeking effective and affordable hair transplantation and treatment methods. In this blog, we will explore the various options available to you in Turkey and help guide you towards achieving the full head of hair you’ve always wanted.

What Hair Loss Treatments Are Available For Men?

Hair loss is a common issue affecting millions of men worldwide. Fortunately, there are several hair loss treatments available for men that can help reduce or reverse hair loss. Here are some of the most effective hair loss treatments for men:


There are two FDA-approved medications available for treating male pattern baldness, which is the most common form of hair loss in men. These medications are minoxidil and finasteride. Minoxidil is a topical solution that is applied to the scalp twice daily, while finasteride is an oral medication that is taken once daily.

Hair Transplant For Men

Hair transplant surgery involves taking healthy hair follicles from one part of the scalp (usually the back or sides) and transplanting them to areas where hair has thinned or been lost completely. This procedure is effective in restoring natural-looking hair growth and can be a permanent solution to hair loss.

Laser Therapy

Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) has shown promising results in treating male pattern baldness. LLLT devices emit light energy that stimulates cell activity within the hair follicles, promoting new growth and slowing down further shedding.

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy

PRP involves drawing a small amount of the patient’s blood, processing it to concentrate the platelets, and injecting it back into the scalp. The growth factors present in platelets can stimulate hair growth and improve hair thickness.


In addition to these treatments, maintaining a healthy lifestyle by eating a balanced diet, getting regular exercise, reducing stress levels, and avoiding harsh styling products can also help prevent further hair loss in men.

What Hair Loss Treatments Are Available For Women?

Hair loss can be a frustrating and stressful experience for women. Fortunately, there are several hair loss treatments available to help address this issue.

  1. There are several topical treatments that can be applied directly to the scalp to promote hair growth, including minoxidil and finasteride. 
  2.  In addition to topical treatments, there are also oral medications that can be taken to help prevent further hair loss and promote new hair growth.
  3. For women with hair loss caused by hormonal imbalances, hormone therapy can be an effective option.
  4. Hair transplant procedures are not exclusive to men; they are also available for women who are experiencing hair loss.
  5.  Non-surgical options like hair extensions and wigs provide immediate results and can be a great solution for women seeking temporary hair restoration while exploring other treatment options. 

It’s crucial for women experiencing hair loss to consult with a dermatologist or hair restoration specialist to determine the underlying cause of their hair loss and identify the most suitable treatment approach

Who and How Can I Contact for Hair Transplantation in Turkey?

In conclusion, Turkey is the first destination that comes to mind for hair transplant procedures. The country offers high-quality services, experienced doctors and affordable prices. If you are considering a hair transplant in Turkey, it is important to choose a reliable partner in medical tourism. 

Turkishdoc is a reliable option that can provide you with personalized assistance throughout the process. With our team of experts, you can find the best clinics and doctors for your needs and have a stress-free experience. If you want to have a successful hair transplant in Turkey, do not hesitate to contact Turkishdoc!


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