
What Are Cerebrovascular Diseases? Types, Causes, And Symptoms

1 August 2023

Diseases that influence the brain’s blood supply are known as  cerebrovascular diseases.  Many diseases are included in cerebrovascular diseases. These diseases can be divided into two groups: ischemic cerebrovascular disease and hemorrhagic cerebrovascular disease. Different diseases are included in both groups.  Stroke,  cerebral hemorrhage, carotid artery, and brain aneurysm are among the diseases in these groups. The treatment of these diseases, which require urgent intervention, should be done in a short time. Cerebrovascular diseases are sometimes treated with medication and sometimes with surgery. Since they are serious neurological diseases, there may also be a risk of death or paralysis. In short, cerebrovascular diseases occur as a result of narrowing or blockage of the brain vessels for various reasons.

What Are The Types Of Cerebrovascular Disease?

Brain vessels rupture as a result of impaired or complete cessation of blood flow in the brain vessels. In this case, bleeding occurs, and  types of cerebrovascular diseases,  defined as cerebrovascular diseases, occur. Cerebrovascular diseases, commonly referred to as strokes or paralysis, are divided into two different classes. These are ischemic cerebrovascular disease and hemorrhagic cerebrovascular disease. At this point, it is first necessary to know the characteristics of these diseases. Detailed information about ischemic cerebrovascular disease and hemorrhagic cerebrovascular disease is given below:

  • Ischemic Cerebrovascular Diseases

One of the most common cerebrovascular diseases occurs as a result of a blood vessel blockage in the brain. Usually caused by atherosclerosis, these diseases occur as a result of a sudden blood clot.

  • Hemorrhagic Cerebrovascular Diseases

Hemorrhagic cerebrovascular disease,  which is rarer than ischemic cerebrovascular disease, is a brain injury caused by ruptured brain vessels. Sudden blood pressure spikes are one of the main causes of these diseases. Other important causes include aneurysms and arteriovenous malformations. 

There are some types of cerebrovascular diseases, which are divided into two main groups. These very important types are similar but different types of cerebrovascular disease. Other  types of cerebrovascular diseases  are as follows:

Stroke: A stroke is a serious health problem caused by reduced or interrupted blood flow to the brain, which does not allow oxygen to reach the brain. The functions of the affected area are negatively affected. It causes temporary or permanent loss of function from stroke, which begins to show itself with some symptoms within minutes. Emergency intervention is very important for this serious cerebrovascular disease. If not intervened early, the risk of brain damage and disability will increase. For this reason, if there are abnormalities in the person’s behavior and movements, they should be taken to the hospital.

Cerebral hemorrhage: Cerebral hemorrhage, a serious neurological problem, is bleeding in the skull and parts of the brain. It can cause death or disability and, like other brain diseases, requires urgent intervention. As many as  1 million people  are known to suffer from cerebral hemorrhage annually. This neurological health problem can develop for many reasons and is most commonly caused by certain factors affecting the brain vessels, such as hypertension, head trauma, and bleeding disorders. To minimize the risk of death or disability, the patient should be taken to a doctor immediately.

Carotid artery disease: The carotid arteries, the arteries that carry blood and oxygen to the brain, are located on both sides of the neck. This disease occurs when the structure of the carotid arteries deteriorates, becomes narrowed, or is blocked. Plaques formed here by the accumulation of fat cells pose a serious risk to the brain vessels. When symptoms of this disease, which can cause paralysis or stroke, are observed, a doctor should be consulted. These diseases are usually associated with cardiovascular diseases.

Brain aneurysm: A brain aneurysm is a neurological disease caused by thinning of the arteries. This disease appears as a bulge or ballooning in the blood vessels of the brain. This condition can occur for many reasons, and sometimes it shows symptoms, sometimes it does not. As it is a neurological health problem, it is serious, and early treatment is important.

What Causes Cerebrovascular Diseases?

Cerebrovascular diseases are caused by many factors. In general, genetic factors are effective in these diseases, but environmental factors and life routines are also important. It is also observed that some diseases are triggered. The  causes of cerebrovascular diseases  are given below:

  • A sudden blood clot in the brain
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Hemorrhage
  • Embolism
  • Vascular disorders
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Genetic factors

Cerebrovascular diseases usually occur due to these causes. Some risk factors trigger this disease. In particular, certain habits influence this. Habits that cause cerebrovascular diseases include sedentary lifestyles, smoking, drinking alcohol, and taking drugs. Some diseases are also known to be triggers for cerebrovascular diseases. These risk factors include hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, hyperlipidemia, obesity, and hypercoagulability. Risk factors also include age and gender. Cerebrovascular disease is a serious health problem that is more common in men than in women at older ages.

In addition to all these causes and risk factors, some elements need to be taken into account to prevent cerebrovascular diseases. In particular, certain lifestyle changes can reduce the risk of these diseases. Reducing smoking and alcohol consumption can be among the most important steps. Reducing harmful foods that increase cholesterol, such as salt and fat, will also be beneficial. It is also important to control health problems that trigger the development of cerebrovascular diseases, such as hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease. For this, medications should be used regularly, and health checks should be carried out. If a person has a history of stroke, he or she should see a doctor regularly and use anticoagulants.

Symptoms Of Cerebrovascular Diseases

Cerebrovascular diseases  occur suddenly  and have certain symptoms. However, the symptoms differ depending on which area of the brain is affected. Although some symptoms are temporary, they should be taken into account. Symptoms of cerebrovascular diseases include:

  • Dizziness
  • Vision loss (blurred, partial, or double vision)
  • Speech disorders (lisping or drunken speech, inability to speak)
  • Difficulty in understanding
  • Numbness 
  • Memory problems
  • Loss of balance
  • Loss of strength
  • Feeling of tingling in the body
  • Headache

Symptoms of cerebrovascular diseases are usually like this and may be temporary. Some disturbances of consciousness may also be included. For example, the patient may not be able to answer questions, may not be able to recognize his or her surroundings, or maybe asleep. In rare cases, nausea, vomiting, or agitation may also occur. Since cerebrovascular disease is a serious health problem that requires urgent intervention, you should go to the hospital if you experience these symptoms.


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