
Spinal Cord Tumors: What Are Its Causes And Symptoms

1 August 2023

A spinal cord tumor is a benign or malignant tumor of the spinal cord or spinal cord membrane that affects the bones of the spine. It is also called an intradural tumor. This tumor in or around the spinal cord is a condition, even if it is benign. This is because it puts pressure on the spinal cord and nerves. However, it is mostly a condition caused by benign tumors. This is especially dangerous if cancerous cells are present in the spinal cord. The treatment for this condition is surgical. With the development of modern medical methods, the great dangers of spinal cord tumors have been overcome.

What Are Spinal Cord Tumors?

Spinal cord tumors are benign or malignant tumors that form in the spine or the bones, nerves or soft tissues in its region. Early diagnosis is of great importance for benign and slow-growing spinal cord tumors. Otherwise, if diagnosed too late, the risk of paralysis may increase. Spinal cord tumors, which are not of only one type, are classified into different groups according to the area they affect. They are grouped as, intradural, extramedullary, and intramedullary, and they form different tumor types among themselves.

Spinal Cord Tumor Types

Spinal cord tumors are divided into two groups: extradural tumors and intradural tumors. These groups include different types of tumors. Therefore, it is important to know the characteristics of these two groups. Below you will find information about extradural, intradural tumors, and, intradural extramedullary tumors, which are types of spinal cord tumors:

  • Extradural tumors

Extradural tumors account for 55 percent of spinal cord tumors. These tumor types are also divided into two types. These are metastatic tumors and primary spinal tumors. The spread of cancerous cells around the spinal cord, carried by blood vessels, is known as metastasis. Since the breast, kidney, and lung are organs close to the spinal cord, spinal cord tumors are mostly caused by cancerous cells in these organs. Metastatic tumors are among the most common spinal cord tumors between the ages of 40 and 60. Primary extradural tumors are not common. They are usually seen in 20-year-olds. If it occurs at a later age, it can cause serious and dangerous consequences.

  • Intradural Extramedullary tumors

Intradural extramedullary tumors include different types of tumors. These tumors are divided into the following types:

  • Schwannoma – neurofibroma
  • Meningiomas
  • Epandimom
  • Dermoid
  • Epidermoid
  • Angioma lipoma
  • Metastasis
  • Chordoma
  • Melanoma
  • Miksoma
  • Sarcoma
  • Arachnoid cyst

The most common of these are known as schwannomas-neurofibromas, and meningiomas. Schwannoma- neurofibroma tumors originate from the nerve sheath. These tumors, which can occur anywhere in the nervous system, grow slowly and are benign. Meningiomas originate from the spinal cord membrane. Women are in the highest risk group for these tumors. It has been observed that meningiomas, which grow slowly and are mostly benign, are more common in the back. This tumor, which is usually seen in people over the age of 50, shows itself with severe pain. Surgery is used as a treatment method for this tumor.

  • Intradural Tumors

Intradural tumors are a type of tumor that develops in the internal structure of the spinal cord. 90 percent of these tumors are benign, usually arising from blood vessels, nerve roots, or metastatic tumors. While 66 percent of intradural tumors are extramedullary, 33 percent are intramedullary. These tumors develop more rapidly than extradural tumors. As a result, treatment must begin as soon as possible.  Intradural tumors are mostly composed of ependymomas and astrocytomas. Ependymomas are usually seen in adults and are usually not infiltrative. 

Spinal Cord Tumor Symptoms

There are many symptoms of a spinal cord tumor, but they depend on the area of the spine affected and the condition of the nerves. The growth in the spine causes pressure on the spinal cord, which leads to symptoms. Symptoms of spinal cord tumors include:

  • Severe back and leg pain
  • Muscle spasms
  • Numbness in certain parts of the body (arm or leg)
  • Feeling cold in the body
  • Difficulty walking
  • Changes in the intestinal tract

These symptoms vary from person to person and also vary depending on the area of pressure on the spinal cord. Severe leg pain, especially at night, can be one of the harbingers of a spinal cord tumor. Not all of these symptoms can be expected to occur. If a person has a history of cancer or suffers from severe pain at night without strenuous activity, it is necessary to see a doctor. Early treatment is important for spinal cord tumors.

In addition to these symptoms, there are some complications of spinal cord tumors. As a result of spinal cord tumors compressing the nerves, numbness or tingling can be observed below the affected area. It not only affects the areas close to the spinal cord but can also cause dysfunction of the intestinal and bladder systems. If the spinal cord tumor is diagnosed early and treatment is started, it is possible to get positive results. If treatment is started early, nerve function in the spine can be restored. However, if treated late, the tumor can compress the nerve in the affected area, which can be life-threatening.

Causes Of Spinal Cord Tumor

Although the causes of spinal cord tumors are not known exactly, some factors are thought to be more influential. One of the most important causes of the development of this tumor is the metastasis of malignant tumors from different organs to the spinal cord and its surroundings. Other factors that trigger spinal cord tumors are as follows:

  • Genetic factors
  • Chemical factors
  • Virus transmission
  • Long-term exposure to radiation

In addition to all these causes, there are some risk factors for spinal cord tumors. People with neurofibromatosis and von Hippel-Lindau disease have a higher risk of developing this tumor. Neurofibromatosis 2 is a hereditary disease associated with hearing. It is among the risk factors as it can lead to the development of spinal canal tumors. Von Hippel-Lindau disease, known as a multisystem disease, causes blood vessel tumors in the retina and spinal cord. Therefore, this disease is another risk factor for spinal cord tumors. As a result, appropriate treatment is provided depending on the person’s age, health status, and tumor causes.


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