
Medical Counseling and Patient Support Services in Turkey

17 May 2023

Medical counseling is an essential aspect of healthcare in Turkey that aims to provide patients with emotional and psychological support alongside medical treatment. Medical counseling in Turkey can help patients and their families better understand and cope with their illnesses, improve their quality of life, and enhance their overall wellbeing. Patient support services are also available in Turkey to offer patients assistance with practical issues, such as transportation, accommodation, and language barriers. This blog will explore the importance of medical counseling and support services in Turkey, as well as the resources available for patients seeking these services.

Importance and Functioning Of the Medical Counseling Process

Medical counseling is an integral part of healthcare in Turkey that aims to provide patients with emotional and psychological support alongside medical treatment. The medical counseling process involves a qualified healthcare professional, typically a psychologist or psychiatrist, who works with patients to understand and manage the emotional and psychological impact of their illness.

 The importance of medical counseling in Turkey healthcare cannot be overstated as it helps patients to deal with a wide range of psychological challenges such as anxiety, depression, grief, and stress that are often associated with medical conditions.

Through a variety of techniques, such as talk therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and relaxation techniques, the medical counselor helps patients to identify and manage their emotions, improve their coping strategies, and develop a positive outlook towards their illness. 

Patient support services are also an essential component of the medical counseling process in Turkey. These services help patients with practical issues such as transportation, accommodation, and language barriers, which may impact their ability to access medical treatment and counseling services. Patient support services can also provide patients with information and guidance on financial and legal matters related to their medical condition.

Providing Patient Support Services in Turkey

Patient support services in Turkey range from transportation and accommodation to language assistance, financial and legal guidance, and emotional support. Providing these services can significantly improve patient satisfaction, ensuring that patients receive comprehensive care that meets their needs.

Language assistance is  an essential patient support service in Turkey, particularly for patients who are not fluent in Turkish. They can provide language interpreters to help patients communicate effectively with healthcare professionals and understand their medical condition and treatment options. This service ensures that patients receive appropriate medical treatment and care that is culturally sensitive and responsive to their needs.

Patient support services also provide transportation to and from medical facilities, ensuring that patients can attend their appointments on time and without difficulty. Accommodation is another critical service that can help patients who need to travel long distances for medical treatment. They can arrange for accommodation near medical facilities, making it easier for patients to receive treatment without having to worry about travel and lodging expenses.

Many patients face financial and legal challenges related to their medical condition. Support services can provide patients with information and guidance on financial and legal matters, such as insurance coverage, disability benefits, and legal rights. 

Measures Taken for Patient Satisfaction and Safety

Patient satisfaction measures are designed to assess the quality of healthcare services and patient experiences, while healthcare safety measures aim to reduce the risk of harm to patients and healthcare workers. Several measures have been taken in Turkey to promote patient satisfaction and safety, including patient-centered care, infection control, and clinical practice guidelines.

In Turkey, healthcare facilities are required to implement infection control measures, including hand hygiene, sterilization, and disinfection of medical equipment, and use of personal protective equipment.  Health in Turkey focuses on meeting the individual needs and preferences of patients and providing them with personalized care.

As Turkishdoc, we understand that every patient is unique, and we strive to tailor our services to meet the individual needs and preferences of each patient. If you want to be treated with quality and patient-oriented care, get in touch with us today!



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