
What Are The Diagnosis And Treatment Methods For Peripheral Neuropathy?

21 August 2023

Peripheral neuropathy, which occurs as a result of damage to peripheral nerves, has many treatment methods. This condition, which causes pain in many parts of the body, especially affects the hands and feet. Peripheral neuropathy is usually caused by diabetes, but can also be caused by hereditary causes, trauma, or infection. As a symptom, peripheral neuropathy is extremely painful and needs to be treated as soon as possible. It is possible to control the condition and reduce the symptoms with appropriate treatment methods. Comprehensive diagnostic methods are applied as they occur due to many potential causes. The two different methods of conservative and surgical treatment for this condition are determined by the patient’s general health, age, and the condition of the nerve damage.

Peripheral Neuropathy Diagnosis

Peripheral nerve damage, which can occur for many reasons, is diagnosed comprehensively. First, a physical examination and blood tests are performed. After assessing the complications associated with this condition, information about the person’s medical history is obtained. Information about the person’s eating habits and bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol) is also collected. Symptoms are checked, and other diagnostic procedures are started. The diagnostic methods for peripheral neuropathy are briefly described as follows:

  • Neurological examination
  • Imaging tests
  • Nerve biopsy
  • Nerve function tests
  • Skin biopsy
  • Electromyogram

The above diagnostic methods are applied to detect peripheral nerve damage. Since it is a sensitive disease, comprehensive methods are used. When peripheral neuropathy is diagnosed, the underlying causes are uncovered. If diabetes is suspected, blood and urine tests, as well as a physical examination, are important. In addition to all these diagnostic methods, a lumbar puncture may be performed in some cases. The purpose of this is to check whether the cerebrospinal fluid is inflamed. After the necessary diagnostic procedures have been carried out, the appropriate treatment for peripheral neuropathy is determined and started.

Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment Methods

For some time after the diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy, individualized treatment methods are determined depending on the underlying cause. Medication is usually prescribed for peripheral neuropathy. However, physical therapy, various procedures, and surgical methods can also be prescribed. Below you will find information about treatment methods for peripheral neuropathy:

Medications: When peripheral neuropathy is detected, the person may need to take certain medications. Medicines that reduce symptoms will also help the disease improve. In particular, painkillers may be prescribed by the doctor to reduce neuropathic pain. At first, low doses of painkillers are given, taking into account side effects. If peripheral neuropathy is caused by diabetes, blood sugar-regulating medications may be recommended. In cases of B12 deficiency, B12 vitamins are prescribed by a doctor. Antidepressants and anti-seizure medications can also be used in this treatment. Capsaicin cream can also be used to reduce the symptoms of this condition.

Various treatments: Various treatments can also be used to reduce the effects of peripheral neuropathy. These include transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, plasma exchange, and intravenous immune globulin. The aim of all these is to alleviate the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy.

Physical therapy: Physical therapy is one of the other therapies that can help with nerve damage. Physical therapy, which strengthens weak muscles, is applied by specialized physiotherapists. It improves mobility and strengthens the muscles, especially in the hands and feet. However, orthopedic supportive equipment may also need to be used. Therefore, depending on the level of peripheral neuropathy, physical therapy is one of the alternative options.

Alternative medicine therapies: Alternative medicine treatments can be tried for peripheral neuropathy. These methods, which lack scientific certainty, are still preferred by some people. Alternative medicine therapies for peripheral neuropathy include acupuncture, amino acids, certain herbs (evening primrose oil), and alpha-lipoic acid. Evening primrose oil and amino acids can be used by people with diabetes. Acupuncture is also known to reduce the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy. Alpha-lipoic acid is one of the alternative medicine therapies widely used in Europe for this condition.

Surgery: Surgery can be performed if there is pressure on the nerves. If peripheral neuropathy is caused by a tumor, surgery is also performed. The surgery aims to relieve the pressure on the nerves and eliminate the symptoms of this condition.

Side Effects and Complications of Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment

Treatment of peripheral neuropathy can have some side effects and complications. However, since these vary depending on the treatment method, no clear information can be given. The specialist doctor will provide the necessary information on this subject. In addition, this condition can be temporary or permanent. The main factors affecting whether it is temporary or permanent are the extent of the damage, the cause, and the treatment method. In particular, peripheral neuropathy caused by some chronic diseases (diabetes, autoimmune diseases, genetic disorders) may be permanent.

What Should Be Done To Prevent Peripheral Neuropathy?

Peripheral neuropathy, a condition caused by peripheral nerve damage, can be prevented from developing. However, it also depends on the factors that cause it to occur. Changing some habits in one’s life can also help prevent this condition. The following can be done to prevent peripheral neuropathy:

  • People with diabetes should regularly check their blood sugar levels. Foot care should also be taken care of. Pay attention to blisters, calluses, and cuts that may occur on the feet. Since the feet of diabetic patients are sensitive, soft cotton socks should be worn.
  • Attention should be paid to nutrition. Especially vitamins and minerals necessary for the body should be taken.
  • Alcohol, which worsens peripheral neuropathy, must be stopped.
  • Regular weekly exercise should be practiced. Walking or brisk exercises can be done. This will alleviate the pain and muscle weakness associated with the condition.
  • Another habit that increases the risk of neuropathy complications is smoking. Smoking, which causes foot and circulatory problems, must be quit.
  • Heavy metals such as lead and mercury can cause damage to the nervous system, so these toxic substances should be avoided. If people work in the chemical industry, they should use safety equipment.

All these are conditions that prevent peripheral neuropathy from developing. However, in some cases, this condition cannot be prevented. Peripheral neuropathy due to genetic factors cannot be prevented. However, it may also not be prevented in the progression of its development. Therefore, it is important to apply appropriate treatment methods to the patient.


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